Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas toys

We got Hutson a cool geotrax train set this year for Christmas.  Santa set it up the night before so that it would be all ready to go when Hut got up.  He loved it!  He is sitting in the other room right now playing with it while I type this.  He loves that it is remote control.  A couple of the other big hits this year was his cowboy boots from Santa, the Handy Manny toolbox and tools, the pedal car and bike from Grandi and Grimpa and his very own arm chair from Grammy and Papa Clayton.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Ok... so I know a lot of you are waiting for Christmas pictures.  I have been sorting through all 300 of them and I am looking for the best ones to post.  So here are a few of Hutson.  He is usually impossible to get to smile for the camera but I managed to get a few on Christmas eve, and one from Christmas morning.

Sporting a hat Aunt Lee made him.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Wheelie pictures

Seriously this is the happiest baby ever.  He loves tummy time on my bed, and he is a total ham for the camera.  He has taken to talking and just gabs all day long.  We are a bit of a drool machine lately, I have had to have a bib on him so he doesn't soak his shirts.

Who Me?

Concentrating very hard on trying to scoot across the bed.

I did not pose him like this, he did this on his own.  What a cutie pie!

We are busy trying to get ready for Christmas and for Santa to come visit us.  Hutson doesn't really get it yet, whew.  But next year I think we will really have to do it up.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cookies

I was testing out some new cookie cutters and a new sugar cookie recipe.  On Wednesday I am going to a cookie exchange and I like my cookies to have form and function so I decided to decorate a few and see how they turn out.  whew, I don't know that I can do 6 dozen of these.  I am thinking these are a little too labor intensive to decorate in the fashion that I would like, I may have to scrap this batch and go with a whole new cookie.  (of course when I say 'scratch' that means that jerry and Hut get some cookies to eat)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happiest Baby in town

House update

I posted about a month ago some of the updates that we were doing at our house.  I thought I would share the results of all the hard work.

The cabinets were white and now they are grey.  It hides the dirt and food much better...

Just ignore all the crap on the counters.  I probably should have cleaned the counters off before I took the picture, but alas, I didn't.

Some of you will be very excited to know that we put in a walkway from the front door to the driveway.  NO more walking on the grass to get to the house.  Which also means no more grass in the house! yea

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


While we were in Portland we went up to Mt Hood and went sledding.  It was the best time!  I haven't seen snow like that since we lived in Minnesota... so 15 or so years.  I think I had more fun than Easton, Emmy and Hutson combined.  Now I am all over Jerry about taking me skiing... I am gonna have to work that one for awhile I think.

Here are some pictures from Mt. Hood.

Here is Hut wearing snow pants that were several sizes too big for him.  Poor kid couldn't really even walk.

Cathy, Emersen and Easton getting all bundled up

Mt. Hood.  It was such a nice and sunny day up there.

Hut and Easton sliding down on their butts.

Jer and Hut


Ok so you guys and gals are going to get a bunch of posts at once, brace yourselves.

Here are a couple of the highlight pictures from Portland with Jerry's family.

Great Grandpa Fred and Wheeler

Hutson trying out some snow boots


Jer and Hut at the Park

Having fun with Grammy

Back Online

Ok people I am back.  I know it has been a long time since I posted.  We went to Portland for 12 days over Thanksgiving which was so much fun.  But mostly I haven't posted anything new because I didn't get a new card reader for my camera until today.  After the last post with no pictures I received some hate email that  said I shouldn't post unless I have pictures, I won't name names (ashley) but it wasn't nice.  So today with the new card reader and sorting through a months worth of photos we are back.

Hutson and Wheeler are doing great.  Wheeler is almost sitting up on his own and loves to just talk talk talk.  He smiles and giggles all the time, truly a happy baby.  Even when he was sick when we were in Oregon he just smiled the whole time.  Hutson's vocab has increased as well, he is starting to put words together like 'bye bye baby' and 'night night dada'.  He is constantly telling Wheeler bye bye,  I guess he wants him to go.  hmmmm.

Now we are just keeping busy getting ready for Christmas.

These two pictures were from Halloween.

Monday, November 9, 2009

busy busy busy

I know I haven't posted in awhile, we have been busy around here lately.  We are trying to get some work done on our house.  We finally have a walk-way from the driveway to the front door!  yea!  No more walking through the grass.  We also had the front porch and back patio covered in flagstone, it looks amazing!

Today I have painters here working on my kitchen cabinets, no more white!  We are having them painted black fox, which is a super dark brownish gray color.  I will post pictures when it is finished.

I painted the powder bathroom, but now I need to repaint the trim, I might have been a little messy.  oops.  Last week Alex came over and helped me put a tea stain on my bedroom wall, and yes I say wall, we only got one wall done.  It was a little more time consuming than I had planned.  But hopefully we can get it finished soon.

I would put up pictures but my card reader isn't working for my camera and I haven't made it to best buy to buy a new one yet.  argh.  So when I do that I will take pictures of all the new changes and post them.

On the list for next improvements...
Finish my bedroom walls
Paint master bath
Paint Hutson's room
Refinish antique hutch that is sitting in garage

On top of that I have to get working on Christmas gifts.  Jeff, Lee, Alex, Tiff, Jer and I all draw one name a year and buy a gift for that one person.  This year we are throwing in a twist and the gift has to be handmade, I have some ideas floating around but need to get to work!  We leave for Portland next week and we are there for almost two weeks, time is flying.  I'm not sure when I am going to get all this work done.

Oh yeah- the boys.  They are doing great!  Hutson is talking up a storm and is learning new words everyday, mommy needs to watch her mouth now.  Wheeler is good baby, we had a bit of a rough weekend, he had a bit of a temp but is fine now and catching up on his sleep.  whew.  He is holding his head up wonderfully and can now be put in his exersaucer with the help of a pillow for support.  yea!

The boys are both sleeping so I should go and try to get some stuff done.  Happy Monday!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Yesterday we went with our friendly neighbors down to the McKinney Square (its the old part of town) and walked around.  They had a 'Scare on the Square' and shut down all traffic on the square to let the kids run around and play and trick or treat from store to store.  It was not as much fun as we thought it was going to be.  We didn't realize the amount of people that would be there, it was out of control.  So we left early and went and got dinner instead which was much more enjoyable.  But before we left I snapped a few shots.

Jerry and Hut in his dragon costume

Lily as Snow White

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Sundays are pretty lazy days for us.  We lay around in our PJ's, well I do and so do the boys, Jerry usually makes it to the shower and closet in the morning.  This has been our Sunday so far...

We will be carving pumpkins later this afternoon so stay tuned for some of those photos in the morning.

fall leaves.

Hutson picked some fantastic fall leaves yesterday.  Texas doesn't have much of a fall and pretty much the leaves go straight from green to dead, but we have a couple of gorgeous blazing maple trees that are providing our color this fall.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


not sure why the last post didn't put all the picture on there... so here it is again.

new software

Here is our gorgeous little neighbor...  I have been trying out some new software for photography to see if I want to buy it.  Its very addicting- I think I spent about 3 hours last night playing with it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009


a few pictures of the baby boy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

getting mama's attention

Hutson doesn't so much like it when I am not paying attention to him but holding Wheeler instead.  His new thing is to climb in the baby swing and the pack and play.  This was today when I was feeding Wheeler.