Monday, January 31, 2011

Mish mash...

 These are the things that I have been dealing with lately....  I think Wheeler is going to be our little terror... I have been cleaning crayon from walls, floors and mirrors.  I have been scrapping stickers off the windows and floors, and we have been trying to keep him out of the plants.  He wants to do everything Hutson does, which means he has become a little bit of a dare devil, like climbing on EVERYTHING. 

There hasn't been a lot of time to blog, and frankly I have gotten a little lazy about it.  The next couple of posts will be a little mish-mashy, trying to catch up to date...  Hope everyone is doing well.  Life may be a little crazy right now, but we are enjoying it.
 Finally playing together!
 This little man does not go anywhere without his 'Blankie', which is about the only word he actually pronounces correctly... Thank goodness we have 4, one for the car, one for downstairs, one for upstairs and one just in case...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

debuting our big boy haircuts...

 He was making the string cheese pieces fight... love it!

Wheeler's 'Blue Steel' look... name that movie!

'Handsome Hutson' as Great Grandma Betty says...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

snow in tejas...

We are enjoying a nice little blizzard today, ok blizzard by Texas standards anyway.  One thing about Texas weather is... you never know what your are going to get.  These pictures were taken two days ago when it was 65 degrees and sunny... right now it is about 30 degrees and very wintery.
off to enjoy a little fun in the snow!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

bounce, bounce, bounce...

I packed up Donna and the little men yesterday and we headed out to Papa and GrAndi's place for the sole purposed of using the trampoline.... ok ok, we went to visit with Papa and GrAndi and Great Papa and Grandma too.  Even though it was a bit chilly to play outside, we bundled up and headed out for a little fun...

There are a lot of pictures, beware.  It was Wheeler's first time on the trampoline, and he LOVED it!  We had a blast and burned a few calories.

 Love this picture...

 Loving my mom's hair in this picture...
 I was a little apprehensive to let Wheeler have a turn, but it was fine and he LOVE, LOVED it!
 Rump bump... I love the look of concentration on his face.
 So proud of the littlest man... he was actually able to get both feet off the ground!