Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Great Weather

 We have been blessed with some fantastic weather in the last week.  70's and sunny!  We took full advantage of the nice weather and spent most of the weekend outdoors at the park, on the swings, yard work, wagon rides, gator rides, kicking the soccer ball, coloring on the driveway and playing in the sandbox.  We even got to see GrAndi, Papa, Lily and Josephine this weekend.

A good artist is always a mess...

See bucket... See dirt...
 Grab dirt to put in bucket...
 dump dirt on head...
 my lovely nieces...
 Hutson and Lily eating lunch together...
 "I'll give you a grape if you give me your ham and cheese..."  (they traded food until they had a plate full of what they wanted...)
 Sunday afternoon drive...
 See Lily's terrified face looking back?  Hut put the gator in second gear and took off!
 Papa and Wheeler.  Wheeler is currently obsessed with his Papa Tim.  You can't even mention the P-A-P-A word without him freaking out and looking around to find him.  I won't even tell him tonight that we are going to the ranch tomorrow for fear he will be so distraught he won't sleep.
 Look at that smile...

Hutson's birthday is only a couple weeks away and we have lots of things to do to get ready for it...  but he is really only excited about the cupcakes!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wheeler is a clone...

 ...of his daddy.  You can't look at this picture and tell me that expression on his face isn't Jerry's.  I love it!  (Sorry the photo is a little blurry, but I couldn't not post this picture)
 my blue-eyed baby...

 Hutson likes to stand on the rocks and jump off and see how far away he can land.  Maybe I have a future long jumper on my hands...?
 The Wagon.  It has been getting a lot of play this week.  Our backyard is a bit of a hill and goes straight down in the back.  Hutson likes to load up Wheeler and run down the hill full speed over all the bumps.  Wheeler loves it.  Hutson loves it.  Mama, well I don't love it so much.  I have visions of them hitting a bump with one wheel and sending Wheeler flying into the nearest tree and Hutson tripping and the wagon rolling right over the top of him... but I'm not dramatic or anything.  The other reason I don't love it so much... I have to pull them up the hill every time.  They get to the bottom, Hut climbs in and starts yelling at me to pull them back up... they want to do it about 50 times in a row... did I mention its a hill?  Did I mention that combined they weigh 65 lbs, plus the 30 lb wagon?  ugh.  But they have fun and they haven't gotten hurt yet and I guess that is good.

Happy Birthday Iris!

Our little buddy Iris turned 2 this week and we were happy to be able to help her celebrate today.

 Hadley (she and I share a birthday!)
 Our new friend Noah...
 Hutson swooping in to help blow out the candles...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day...

When I finally got home from my girls weekend at 2:30am Monday morning, I had these waiting for me on the kitchen counter with two lovely cards from Jerbear and my little men.

Hutson of course picked these out... everything has to be blue for my little man.
 I love me some Orchids!
 Look at all those buds!  yea!

You're so money and you don't even know it!

... name that movie!  Every time  I think of Vegas I think of that movie.

This past weekend was our first annual Bednar/Clayton/Smith girls weekend, and what better city for a girls weekend than Vegas?  There were five of us and there were no kids or husbands, there was supposed to be six of us, but my cousin had to work and couldn't make it, boo!  We had a blast.  It was a first visit to Vegas for several of us, and it was exactly what we thought it would be.  The people watching was outstanding, especially at about 2 am.  We dined, shopped, gambled and partook in a few cocktails. 

Here are a few pictures, the rest will be posted here.

Lee all ready for a night on the town...


The Bellagio light show...
the famous Welcome to Vegas sign... we rented a limo on Saturday night and this was one of our stops!

We had a great time and we are already planning next years trip!

Again the rest of the pictures are posted on our smugmug site... click HERE.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Sunday

Wheeler and I slept in a little too late to make it to the first service this morning with Jerry and Hutson... so we stayed home and had a late breakfast and a little quiet play time.  I had pretty much forgotten what it is like to just have one little kid at home, it was so quiet and well, easy.  

Wheeler is the exact age now that Hutson was when Wheeler was born.  Which seems odd to me... I guess I had forgotten about this stage with Hutson, this playful and cuddly stage.  I mean, I was otherwise engaged in having a newborn, but I can't believe I don't remember it with Hut.  Where Wheeler is now is just learning words and starting to talk a lot, still wants to cuddle, and wants to follow me around, this is my favorite stage with him.  With Hutson, I think we are getting to a good stage, although it has been a little rough lately as he has definitely been trying to push the envelope, not listening, not napping, throwing fits, refusing to potty train... but now he is more independent, and asking questions, and is my little helper.  He has starting answering questions for Wheelie, and telling me what 'his baby' needs, which is pretty cute.  As soon as he hears Wheeler wake up he runs upstairs and tells me he is getting the baby up, and that I should get their snacks ready.  He grabs his Handy Mandy computer, puts it on their coloring table and tells me he is going to work and that he needs coffee and a sandwich... um..I am pretty sure you know who he is copying there, but it is pretty darn funny.  Sometimes he even goes and grabs a pair of Jer's dress shoes first.

 Here are some pictures from this morning...

Loves to look and play in front of the mirror...   and yes that is crayon and hand marks and slobber all over the mirror.
 waving to himself...
 looking for his belly button...