So this entry is for Ashley who is online about 10 hours a day and needs something to do. I believe she must have found the end of the Internet by now, or close to. She says that she is trying to quit her habit of reading trashy celebrity gossip sites, and read more intelligent sites, but she is looking in the wrong spot!
Hutson is all boy, we went outside to play yesterday, or was it the day before? I don't remember now, I guess this is why people update on a daily basis. Anyway, and for those of you who don't know, my son, like myself has an obsession with his teeth. He carries his toothbrush everywhere he goes and will not put it down. I have 4 in reserve just in case he drops it in the toilet, which is his new favorite spot to hide mega blocks. So we are outside, and mama is pulling weeds (I know this is very hard to believe, but I was only doing it for the tan which I'm sure you can believe), and Hutson dips his tooth brush in the dirt, which is fresh fertilizer, and puts it back in his mouth and starts brushing! YUCK! He had dirt everywhere. I unfortunately had to run in to get the camera and missed most of the action. He was loving every minute of it. They say that a kid eats 1-2 lbs of dirt in their lifetime, mine I'm sure will be double that.
There's a fence! At first I thought he was at the zoo.
Yes, we have a fence. The dogs are in the back yard and we were in the front. The picture of him hanging on to the fence, he was violently shaking and screaming as if he were locked in. It was great.
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