Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cool Whip

So Grandpa and Grammy Clayton arrived on Friday night.  We were all very excited to see them.  I had a wedding on Saturday night and left Hutson with Jerry and his parents, and the following pictures are evidence of what happens when the cat is away.... it is very clear that the mice will play.

Here Hutson is asking for more cool whip, which I am sure he got on his Jell-O for dessert.

Here Jerry decided to let him indulge a bit... his daddy is a big softy and is putty in H's hands.

And this is what happens when everyone turns their heads... thank goodness Donna was there to provide me with some photographic evidence..  :)

At least they made him work it off after a bath and change of clothes.  Here H is helping Grandpa measure for trim.  He may need his own tool set soon...

Stay tuned for more adventures with Grandpa and Grammy Clayton in town!

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