Four kids is hard. Really hard. Lily and Hutson are like having twins, even though Hut is actually 10 weeks older than Lily. If one wants milk, they other needs milk (even though Hut doesn't like it), if one has a blue cup, the other has to have the same cup. Both Lily and Hut are potty training, so that is a whole different can of worms, I feel myself saying every 20 minutes, "its potty time!" Wheeler is obsessed with putting things in the toilet while someone else is on the toilet. You can get the picture.
After they go to bed I lay out everything for the next morning. Four outfits, four shoes, four socks, school bags, 2 sets of bottles, lunches, school blankets, diapers. I get everything ready for breakfasts, so that everything SHOULD be easy for the morning. Yeah, it still takes us about 90 minutes to get fed, changed, dressed and out the door.
Every night so far, at least 2 kids have gotten up, last night all four decided to wake up at different times, some of them twice. I downed two cups of coffee this morning before it was even light outside.... not okay. Hoping tonight goes a little smoother. Oh, and for those of you keeping track... Baby J is the best sleeper out of the four of them, and she is the youngest!
Jer left us yesterday, so Papa came over to help me out. He brought pumpkins for the kids to clean out and carve. Don't worry, Papa did most of the carving. But Hut and Lily got to decide what kind of faces... Lily's doesn't have a mouth.
Tonight I am flying solo with the kids. Wish me luck.
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