Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Daddy made us a sandbox and we are super excited about it!  We have a few problems like throwing sand and eating sand, I am sure you can guess which little man has which problem, but overall, it is a big hit.  The 'diggers' are in heaven...

The newest collection to the fleet... it is Wheeler's first one!  Hutson was very, very upset that daddy brought it home for Wheeler.  He tried to trade Wheeler his newest, big digger for the John Deere tractor, Wheeler wasn't having any of that, and then Hut busted out the biggest crocodile tears you have ever seen.  It was a scene...  we are worried about how Christmas morning is going to go down.
 my little man...

On a different note, I did a little photo shoot of two pretty adorable girls.  Here is a sneak preview...

1 comment:

Sara said...

Cute, cute, cute...I like the processing on the pic of Lily...good job!