Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Popcicle season

... is finally here!  We take it very seriously around here.

A little outside time with Great Grandma Betty, who we just call 'Grandma'.  Since my children are extremely lucky to know 2 Great Grandma's and 2 Grandmas, they all have different names.  We have a GG, Grandma, Grammy and a GrAndi, and they know exactly who is who.  If I get the names mixed up, which I do, Hutson corrects me immediately... hmmm I wonder who he got that from..?

That would be the 'stink eye' look...

getting every last drop...

another thing we take very seriously... Lightening McQueen.  We are already counting down the days until Cars 2 hits the theaters.

He is becoming quite a stinker lately... almost into those 'terrible two's'.

Lily's third birthday...

We have been uber busy the last few weeks around here... we have had birthday parties galore, great grandparents and other friends visiting, the end of school and the beginning of pool season.

Here are a few pictures from Lily's third birthday party.  Josephine's first birthday was the day before and of course I forgot my camera...  boo.  So I had to take a lot at Lily's party to make up for it.

Wheeler calling me out...
 at least daddy was smart enough to take his shirt off first...  Oh and I love this picture of my jerbear.... he has been home for three weeks in a row people, and we have him all this week too!

because this is what he was looking like seconds later...
 little miss josephine looking like a doll in her new lawn chair...

swinging with Papa...

the birthday girl...


Hutson wasn't so happy when I told him it was time to go home...
I will be posting more pictures on smugmug in a little bit, I will send out the link once I have it done.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What we've been up to...

We have been busy little bee's down here in Texas the last couple of weeks.  Getting ready for summer and enjoying some great weather.  As with most people getting ready for summer the thought of sitting in a swimsuit all summer long is a little depressing... so we have been hitting the gym- a lot.  At least the little men like to play there... or that is how I am justifying taking them on a daily basis.  But in all seriousness... they have a basketball court, computers, toys, playground (indoor and outdoor), movie time and that is just in the kids area!  Wheeler is old enough (read: big enough, as technically probably not old enough) to be out of the toddler room and run around with Hutson, and half the time when I go to pick them up I can't even find them in there.  So all this gym going is taking away from my 'sitting on my butt in front of the computer blogging time'... so sorry people.  Plus it will eventually help me get to my goal of being able to run another half... maybe full... marathon before I am 30.  It has been about 5 years since I ran the last one and between building a house and having kids I have gotten myself a *ahem* little out of shape, although we are working hard to rectify that.  Which means I have exactly 14 months to get in shape.  The thought is a little daunting.

14 months until I am 30 also brings up another topic... I have decided to make a 30 before 30 list, thirty things I want to do before I hit the big three-oh.  I have taken the idea from some other people out there in the blog world and I think it would be fun... the problem is I am at about 21 things and I at a loss for the last nine, and 21 before 30 just doesn't have the same ring to it.  If you have any ideas let me know.  I'll put my list out in July when I start trying to knock stuff off the list.  To give you an idea... things like 30 books read, both kids fully potty trained, visit the Smithsonian, run a half, family road trip, decide what I want to be when I grow up...etc.  You know, the easy stuff.

Here are the pictures.

we take turns playing on mommy's phone...

 we eat chocolate outside so it doesn't get all over the house...
 we dump wet sand on our brother's head...
 we sit on the counter and make homemade whip cream...
 we eat whip cream out of a measuring cup daddy gave us, because apparently spoons are hard to find?
 this is how we were supposed to be eating our whip cream...

 we wrestle with daddy on the couch...
 we dump all of our toys on the floor, 3-4x a day just so mom has something to do...
 we try to play with spray paint that mommy left out... oops.

One of my lovely little men broke off my camera's memory card in the card reader, so until I go get a new one we will be relying on pictures taken with my phone... sorry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

this normally Happy little boy does have a serious side occasionally...

but only occasionally...