Friday, December 3, 2010

Hello All...

We are pretty busy around here getting ready for Christmas and all the family that is coming into town this year... yea!  Hutson has been super excited for Christmas this year which makes it that much better.  He had a blast decorating the tree and sometimes I find him sitting underneath it playing with his toys, its adorable.  Oh and he refuses to let me actually turn off the lights on the tree, they have to be on ALL the time.  Wheeler just stares at it, and then runs over and tries to grab the ornaments... we put all the soft ornaments on the bottom.

Just a few pictures from our trip to California for Thanksgiving....
 Riding the hogs...
 We went on a merry-go-round... and Hut had to ride the Ostrich... I didn't even know he knew what that was... but he made a mad dash to it and was pretty excited...

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