I thought it might be time to update my list... I have some new things to cross off and I need to be reminded of what was on my list in the first place so I can figure out the next 3 months....
30 before Thirty
Hang the framed photos/art that is sitting around the house (over 20 pieces)
- Finish the playroom (paint & decorate)
- Finish the guestroom (paint & decorate)
- Make a headboard for the guest bed
- Finish the office (organize and hang pictures)
Refinish bedroom dresser (paint & hardware)
Reupholster craigslist chairs
- Read thirty new books- not sure where I am, need to compile a list of the books I've read.
- Take one class to support one of my many hobbies- found a couple of classes just need to register.
- Go on a long weekend with just the Jerbear -planned!
- Take a family road trip (3 hours or more)
- Take the kids to the DMA
Take the kids to the Children's Science Museum
Take the kids to the Heard Museum
Lose 20lbs
Run another Half Marathon
- Sew at least one dress for a little girl -birthdays coming up- need to start this one!
- Both boys potty trained -almost there!
- Be caught up on photo books of the boys (4 for Hutson & 2 for Wheeler)
Take a girls weekend
- Drink no soda for one year
- Eat no candy for one year
Blog redesign
Sell something I make
- Kids Volunteer
Contribute some kind of income to our family
- Cook one new meal/dish a month
Learn some HTML code
- Ride a mechanical bull
Some new things that have been crossed off...
#6. Done. whew. I had that darn dresser sitting in my garage for months, and months. Now it has a new home in our bedroom. Thank goodness, my clothes were needing to get out of the laundry baskets in the closet.
#7. Not exactly done. but gone. The arm was broken on one of them, the legs were all scratched. We just decided to get rid of them and work on finding new ones to replace them.
#14. Take the kids to the Heard Museum. We went the week after Christmas, the boys loved it and it will bill in our regular rotation of activities now. You can read about our trip in this post.
#16. Half Marathon. Check out this post.
#18. Hutson is 100% potty trained, even through the night. We haven't had but one accident at night, whooohooo! Wheeler is in the process- he loves 'potty' treats so he is pretty good. When he gets distracted we have accidents but we are still in pull ups so its all good. I think another month or so and we will be golden!
#20 Whoohoo... I had a nice little girls weekend cruise in Feb. It was fun. It was relaxing. It was just what the DR. ordered. Went with my mom, sister-in-laws, aunt and cuz.
#21 No soda, no problem.
#22 No candy, major problem. I totally fell off the wagon on that one. Candy is my weakness. I love it... it is so delicious. But I am being better about it.
#25 I did some volunteer work over the holidays. I am hoping to do some more, maybe the local food bank. I have been volunteering in the nursery at church on Sundays, I also organized the father/daughter tea party and took photos at church.
#27 Contributing income. In October I started a little part time job working for my mom as her assistant. I get some nice extra income to add to our family and she gets some stuff taken off her plate. It works out well. It kept me busy. However, it was keeping me a little too busy, so I have cut it back some and picked up some small photography shoots.
#28 I haven't been a very good cook either. I'd say I've gotten half the months done. I just don't really like cooking. But baking- baking I love. Made a Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread last weekend- delicious!