Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the aftermath...

It is five days after Christmas and my house is still a bomb... I mean seriously.  I finally whipped out the broom today to do a quick once over the kitchen floor.  I came up with cereal, craisens, memory cards, red and green m&m's, grass, dirt, legos and some other misc. items that went straight to the trash can.  Speaking of the trash can, Wheeler's favorite new activity is to help mommy clean up by putting things in the trash can, and when I say things I mean, silverware, legos, dinosaurs, crayons and anything his little hands can grasp, and his hands aren't so little.

I thought I would share some snapshots from around the house today...
Tons of miscellaneous toys laying around the house today...
Our overfull Holiday card holder...

Hutson's "get the heck away from my toys" look to Wheeler...
our Holiday craft project for all the Grandpa's and Grandma's...  Snow globes.
Just doing a little light reading...

I did manage to get something accomplished today that has been on my 'list' for quite some time.  I got our bedroom painted... I found a great shade of blue-grey and went for it.  The color is a little more saturated then I would have liked, but it will have to do.  We have a pretty large bedroom, and a wall of french doors to let in natural light, so it doesn't look so small.  Once I get the room touched up and put back together I will post some before and afters.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Feliz Navidad

We are still playing in the mess of boxes and torn wrapping paper and enjoying all the leftovers... I just thought I would post a few pictures of the fun we are having...

making cookies with Miss Ashley...  I told Hutson that mommy's friend Miss Ashley was coming over to play with us, and he said "Mommy, Miss Ashley is Hutson's friend, not mommy's friend".
 Eating and drinking the milk and cookies we left for Santa... Hut just couldn't sit there and stare at the cookies and not eat them.
 First thing Christmas morning...
 Searching Santa's sack for presents...
 opening with Grammy and Papa Jerry...  Love the classic Hutson face.
 What you can't see in this picture is Wheeler running his new train up and down Papa's back... By the way- Wheeler now says "choo choo", and he loves his Thomas the Train set.
 Arriving at Papa Tim and GrAndi's house...
 my little bro...  lookin' good Alex!
 Jerry and Hutson giving Baby J a kiss on the head...
 This is pretty much how much of Tiffany, Lee, Jeff, GrAndi's face I saw all day.  There was definitely a lot of camera power in the room.
 "mine is bigger than yours.."
 I'm not sure who took these pictures as I was on the trampoline with Hutson, but thank you, he was having such a good time!  GrAndi and Papa bought all five of the grandkids a big trampoline with a cage and a cool Airplane seesaw to play on when they visit the ranch.... lets just say, it went over big!
 jeff and lee... damn you two, you are always so freakin' photogenic!

We are enjoying our company and taking it easy this week.  We still have many toys to take out of boxes and Hutson doesn't know it yet but we will be cleaning out some toys and giving them away too.  I'm sure that will be a catastrophe, but we are going to do it anyway.

Will post some more pictures once we find our way out of boxes, paper and leftovers...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

 a one finger kiss for GrAndi...
 a super smiley boy...
We have been keeping busy getting ready for our visitors this week.  Papa Jerry and Grammy Donna arrive tomorrow as do Great Papa and Great Grandma, and we couldn't be more excited.  I have been a little restricted this week as I caught a stomach bug and have been down the last two days, but I am feeling better and ready to go now.  

This weekend we were able to see Santa and his elves parachute out of a plane, look at hot air balloons, and go on a train ride.  We visited with some great friends at a holiday party where Hut and Wheelie ate their weight in cookies, it was a great evening.  Wheeler is a jibber-jabbering machine, sometimes we can understand, sometimes we can't.  But Jer did get him to say Santa, which we thought was pretty cute.

We still have a few preparations to get ready for Christmas, but at least our shopping is done!  yea!

I am also working on a new header for blog... .while Hut looks very similar to that picture, Wheeler definitely does not.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Footprints to the Manger

...was the title to the Christmas play and party at school... it was adorable... and Jer had to miss it.  I called in Papa to help me out, I really had to twist his arm too.

Hutson and his class were animals, he was a donkey (I had been wondering why for the last week he has been walking around saying hee-ha).  They sang Silent Night, well, they really mumbled along with it as they were too busy looking at people in the crowd.  Hutson looked a little nervous walking on stage, and if you remember our Spring Program experience from this post, then you know that he doesn't do the best on stage.  However, once he saw us, he did great!  I am so proud, hopefully he won't have the stage fright his mama has..

sorry the picture quality is so bad, the lighting in the gym is horrible...
 this is when he saw Papa.

 Wheelers debut... this is him and his buddy Allie.

 holding their presents for the baby Jesus...

 dancing around...

 The teachers that the boys have are the best.  They always come up with the best crafts for the little guys.

Hutson's reindeer planter for daddy... and plates for mommy.

It is a little scary how close in size their foot prints are, the top is Wheeler's and the bottom is Hutson's.

We are now home for a couple of weeks, and we couldn't be more excited!  Daddy doesn't have to travel for a couple of weeks, we have Papa Jerry and Grammy Donna coming, and Great Papa and Grandma from Florida, and Uncle Ken and Aunt Linda from Minnesota are all arriving next week!  Plus we have to fit in some Holiday parties, and visits with our favorite west coasters, Ashley and Brin!  

I think we are finally going to attempt some Christmas cookies this afternoon.  I will try to post pictures later if I can climb my way out of sugar cookies and frosting. 

Oh and I took video of the play, I will try to get that posted too!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wheeler likes to make his move early...

...just like his daddy.
 and I think she likes him!
 Poor Hutson feels rejected...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

When daddy hijacks our photoshoot...

 ...we end up with matching Oregon shirts and not the carefully planned and laid out clothes mommy picked out.  They absolutely refused to look at each other or look at the camera.


 Finally a smile...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good Morning Saturday...

 Happy Saturday everyone!  I am in a good mood this morning.  Last couple of nights I hadn't been sleeping well because Wheeler was randomly crying in the middle of the night, and usually I can let them work it out, but he was screaming for hours... took him into the Doctor yesterday, and he has a double ear infection and an eye infection... poor little guy.  So yesterday he got some antibiotics and tylenol and slept all night, no interruptions, which means I slept all night no interruptions... YES!!  I might actually get some things accomplished today.
 This little boy is extremely excited for Santa to come this year, we talk about it everyday- how Santa brings presents to nice little boys.  Hutson says he doesn't want presents he wants a 'big excavator'... so we don't quite get it yet, but we are getting there.
We wrote our letters to Santa the other day.  I asked Hutson if he had been a good boy or a really good boy this year and he said "I have been JUST a good boy"... aaawww.

This is Hutson's letter...

Dear Santa-
I have been a just good boy this year and I would like...
Big Excavator, a REALLY big Tractor and some Play doh
Please Dinosaurs

Love Hutson

I then asked Hutson if we should write a letter for Wheeler... and I asked him what Wheeler should ask for from Santa.

Dear Santa-
Wheeler has been a good boy, H is for Hutson.
Wheelie needs books, froggy, BIG excavator and I need a Thomas.

Love Hutson

I asked Hutson if he thought Wheeler would like a Thomas the train, and he said "no mommy, Hutson needs a Thomas, not Wheeler".  I also said to him that Wheeler might be too little for a big Exacavator and he said "no mommy, Hutson NEEDS a BIG Exacavator".

I guess Santa will be stopping by the Tractor Supply store.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hello All...

We are pretty busy around here getting ready for Christmas and all the family that is coming into town this year... yea!  Hutson has been super excited for Christmas this year which makes it that much better.  He had a blast decorating the tree and sometimes I find him sitting underneath it playing with his toys, its adorable.  Oh and he refuses to let me actually turn off the lights on the tree, they have to be on ALL the time.  Wheeler just stares at it, and then runs over and tries to grab the ornaments... we put all the soft ornaments on the bottom.

Just a few pictures from our trip to California for Thanksgiving....
 Riding the hogs...
 We went on a merry-go-round... and Hut had to ride the Ostrich... I didn't even know he knew what that was... but he made a mad dash to it and was pretty excited...