Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rain Boots

We decided to wear our rain boots outside to play today, the grass was still pretty soggy from all the rain in the last couple of days.  The boots are about a size and a half too big, so we kind of just bumbled around in them.  Hutson was a serious little boy most of the day, maybe he didn't get enough sleep last night.  His daddy did wake him up this morning, apparently Jerry has never heard of the saying "NEVER wake a sleeping baby".  Although once his Grimpa and GrAndi stopped by this afternoon he was a pretty happy little guy.  The first picture is of Hutson studying a bug crawling across the cement.  The next is him watching his Grandparents pull into the driveway, and the third picture, which is my new favorite, is him being chased by GrAndi.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Whistle while you work

It was rainy most of the day yesterday, which makes for a really long day inside.  We have gotten used to being outside for a couple of hours each day.  Hutson needs to be able to run around and get dirty and blow off some energy, so yesterday I put him to work.  Sweeping up his mess from lunch and dinner.  He loved it.  He carried the broom around all night trying to sweep the floor, and then trying to pet the cat with the end of the broom.  Here are just a few pictures.  

Hoping the weather clears up this afternoon so we can go outside and play!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daddy's Home

Jerry is home today, and for a whole week, I think anyway.  Hutson was very excited to go outside and play with his daddy.  First we started by picking some weeds in the yard, then we moved on to watering the garden, and playing in the mud piles and the hose.  Finally we finished the afternoon with a bath in a bucket of water.  I don't think he could have had a better time.  We are having spaghetti tonight which I'm sure will mean another bath before bed.  I am thinking about having him eat in only his diaper so I don't have to wash another t-shirt from today.  There are more pictures from this afternoon, and will be posted on our smugmug site within the next few days.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This one is for Ashley

So this entry is for Ashley who is online about 10 hours a day and needs something to do.  I believe she must have found the end of the Internet by now, or close to.  She says that she is trying to quit her habit of reading trashy celebrity gossip sites, and read more intelligent sites, but she is looking in the wrong spot!

Hutson is all boy, we went outside to play yesterday, or was it the day before?  I don't remember now, I guess this is why people update on a daily basis.  Anyway, and for those of you who don't know, my son, like myself has an obsession with his teeth.  He carries his toothbrush everywhere he goes and will not put it down.  I have 4 in reserve just in case he drops it in the toilet, which is his new favorite spot to hide mega blocks.  So we are outside, and mama is pulling weeds (I know this is very hard to believe, but I was only doing it for the tan which I'm sure you can believe), and Hutson dips his tooth brush in the dirt, which is fresh fertilizer, and puts it back in his mouth and starts brushing!  YUCK!  He had dirt everywhere.  I unfortunately had to run in to get the camera and missed most of the action.  He was loving every minute of it.  They say that a kid eats 1-2 lbs of dirt in their lifetime, mine I'm sure will be double that. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hmmm..  What to write today??  Hutson went over to play at Emily's today, when I got there to pick him up, he and Isabel were gallivanting in the backyard.  They love to play in the dirt, and dirt combined with greasy sunscreen is not a good combination.  Emily and I then took Isabel, Hutson and cuz Lily on a wagon ride.  They were all so cute, 3 little blonde heads in a row. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.  I can't find my charger cord for my good camera, and I am refusing to use the little pocket camera at the moment.  So here is a picture of the sky from not too long ago.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today we took Jerry to the airport for his trip to Mexico, Hutson was so excited the whole way there in the car while Jerry entertained him in the back seat.  As soon as Jerry got out, Hutson had a fit the entire way home.  Kid is totally attached to his daddy.  He is just going to have to make do until Sunday with his mom.  Today's picture was taken with my small digital camera, a total point and click camera.  After looking at the pictures, I realize I can no longer tolerate the difference in quality, I need to stick with my heavy duty camera to get good pictures.  This is the man eating some barbeque for dinner.

Please ignore the mullet my child is sporting, his father won't let me cut his hair.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I have a feeling that I could become addicted to this, blogging that is.  This is the second post first day, I am very proud of myself.  Of course my schedule wasn't that busy today so it hasn't been that difficult to sit in front of the computer for hours.  Hutson and I went for a walk with the neighbor and her girls today.  He loves to be outside, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I got my camera out when we got home to take some pictures, of course my battery died about 5 minutes in, and I didn't even get to take any outside.  But here is the man, a very serious little man today.  I think he knows his daddy is getting ready to go out of town for a week.

So I'm not so sure about this blogging thing, but I thought I would give it a try.  I am hoping that it will get me more motivated to take more pictures which everyone keeps asking me to do.  Of course my favorite subject at the moment is Hutson, who is 13 months old and a total piece of work.  This picture however is from last summer and one of my favorites to date.