Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big airplane ride today...

We are headed off today to California to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry's family.  Hutson is so excited to ride on an airplane.  I know we took him to Portland in August, but he really wasn't that into airplanes then, and it was a horrible travel experience.  We are hoping it goes better this time around.  We are excited to relax and play with cousins and even hit up Legoland.  The boys may be a bit young but we will see how it goes...  I have my camera charged up and bought another memory card so I am all packed and ready to fly!

Before I leave for the week I want to give my dad a shout out, it is his birthday on Friday and we are missing it again this year... boo!  But we wish him a fantastic day.

Happy Birthday DAD!

Happy Thanksgiving!  We hope everyone enjoys lots of turkey and pumpkin pie and we will see everyone next week!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Daddy made us a sandbox and we are super excited about it!  We have a few problems like throwing sand and eating sand, I am sure you can guess which little man has which problem, but overall, it is a big hit.  The 'diggers' are in heaven...

The newest collection to the fleet... it is Wheeler's first one!  Hutson was very, very upset that daddy brought it home for Wheeler.  He tried to trade Wheeler his newest, big digger for the John Deere tractor, Wheeler wasn't having any of that, and then Hut busted out the biggest crocodile tears you have ever seen.  It was a scene...  we are worried about how Christmas morning is going to go down.
 my little man...

On a different note, I did a little photo shoot of two pretty adorable girls.  Here is a sneak preview...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lilybean and Baby J

We have quite a few Lily's around here.  We have Lily our neighbor, Lily our cousin and there is a Lily at school.  Hutson has his little nicknames for them all....  When talk about Lily our cousin, we say Lilybean, and Lily our neighbor is neighbor Lily, or sometimes, Iris and Lily.  When we are talking about Josephine, it is always Baby J, or Lily's baby.  We had dinner and playtime with Lilybean and Baby J last night.  Hutson always gets so excited to go to Uncle Jeffie's house, maybe it is because Uncle Jeffie teaches him how to pee on trees.... awesome.  (Can you hear the sarcasm?)  Anyway we had a good time and the girls are adorable.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

school pictures...

So I kind of forgot about school pictures until the moment I dropped them off.  Thank goodness they were both presentable, and wearing nice clean bright colored shirts.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Blues...

Do these boys have baby blues or what?  Hutson's eyes are just like his daddy's, crystal blue and sparkly.  Wheeler's are a bit more like mine, a little darker and more gray blue.

We spent a good chunk of the weekend at Papa and GrAndi's house hanging out with them and Evee.  Miss Evee is such a doll, and she is so chill around the boys, she just sits back and takes it all in.

Little Miss Evee was modeling Uncle Jeff's hat for me... She just kept moving around and posing for me...

We definitely love some swing time...

It is definitely amazing to me how fast the little men are growing.  I mean look at the above picture, he is only 2.5 years old!  He looks like he is 4 or 5!  It doesn't help that he is the size of a four year old either, he wears some 3T clothing, but mostly 4T.  In public people will stop and chat and ask him questions they think he should know, and I have to tell people, "oh he is only 2, he doesn't know that yet".  Yesterday we were doing laundry and I took his blankie out of the dryer and handed it to him, and he said "mommy, Hutson's blankie is too hot, you take it and give it back to me when it cools off".  WHAT?!  When did he start talking in sentences and being able to reason like that?

The boys are starting to interact more, Hutson doesn't like it when Wheeler is taking a nap and not playing with him.  I know this because he frequently sneaks upstairs into Wheeler's room and turns the rocker toward the crib, climbs up in it and into the crib to wake Wheeler up.  When I ask him what he is doing, he looks at me, and very calmly and reasonable says- "I wanted to play with the baby".  We are definitely showing signs of being two though- he likes to throw tantrums, hit, run away, yell, do the opposite of what you say, not listen, etc.  He has been pushing his boundaries big time this week and as a result we have all had to spend a lot of time in time-out.

Wheeler is just cruising along as well... He is started to talk all the time, most of it is gibberish, but he knows mama, dada, baba (bottle).  He can do the signs for- more, eat, all done, please and thank-you.  We are learning our body parts as well, he can point to his mouth, nose and ear.  We are working on belly button next.  He is a big boy, and I can't wait until he catches up to Hutson in size, I dont think Hut will know what to do.  Wheeler is almost 15 months and wears 18M-24M clothing with a few 2T.  Pretty soon both the boys will be wearing the same size clothes and then I will have to buy 2 of everything!  Right now the clothes cycle nicely from Hut to Wheeler.

Jerry is 'Down Under' this week and we are missing him greatly.  He has been gone 5 days now, and we have another 3 to go.  He will be home for a week before we ALL make the trek to California for Thanksgiving with Jerry's family, which we are very much looking forward too.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Afternoon Puddles...

It rained all yesterday and part of today, then the sun came out and we found some puddles to have fun in....

I think this is one of my favorites because of Iris face down in the background...
 Look at that face... very mischievous...
 I love Wheeler just watching Iris... his expression is great.
 I'm not sure what he was crying about... I was too busy trying to take the picture.
 So I loved this picture of Iris but couldn't decide what treatment I liked the best...  What do you think?


I'm thinking these two little men are going to give me a lot of trouble...

I mean look at those faces...

Coloring on rocks and scooters and pretty much anything that isn't the driveway...

 Poor Woody got discarded when the boys spotted their gator...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a very busy weekend here... we had birthday parties, Halloween parties, trick or treating, some lawn work and a few naps to fit in.
Hutson was invited Liam's 3rd birthday party on Saturday.  (Liam is in Hutson's class at school, and they are best buds).  The party was at a Fire station and it was a Toy Story theme... what more could a little boy ask for?!  Since it was a Toy Story theme we ditched the spider costume for the party and went dressed as Sheriff Woody.
 The Birthday Boy... Liam
 Hutson as Woody...
The little guys playing on the fire trucks...
We managed to fit in a little yard work... ok ok 'WE' is a little strong of a word, Jer managed to fit in some yard work, and I was the little guy wrangler and sippy cup getter, and chasing down the Gator so it doesn't hit the cars, etc...
 Wheeler loved to play with Hutson's Fireman hat...

 Trying to keep ourselves entertained with stickers...
 Staring out the window waiting for daddy...
 Dressed as Woody for our neighborhood Halloween party...
 Lily carving out her pumpkin at the party...
 Iris... I think this is the first picture I have of her smiling!
 A very tired little boy...
 Dressed as a spider for Trick-or-Treating...
 Iris as a kitty...