Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I am finally following through... I know I have been promising this for months.  But its here now...

Tonight Hutson had his first 'program' for school.  It was dinner, a silent auction and all the kids sang, it was adorable.  The classes all made these vases that they were auctioning off, which were super cute, I was so diligent about bidding on the ones from Hut's class and got into a bidding war with another mom.  When they announced the last five minutes I went back up there and put in my final bids as I knew the other mom had left the room, but then I got distracted with Wheeler spitting up in my bag and didn't see her swoop in and get the last bids!  argh... so frustrating.  Well at least I upped the price for her....

Jerry was out of town tonight, I know that he would have loved to have been here, and Hut would probably not have reacted the way he did had he been able to see his daddy watching him...

Okay video... a couple of disclaimers...
1. I realized when watching the video that it is very rough... I was bouncing/balancing Wheeler in one arm and videoing with the other... its kind of like watching a film someone shot while riding horseback...hmm.

2. Hut is not feeling well tonight.  He had been whining and clingy all afternoon and didn't eat dinner, when we got home tonight I realized he had a temperature so his reaction, I'm hoping, has something to do with not feeling well,  OR he just doesn't like being up in front of people like his mama...

3. There are two videos, the first video you can see him right in the front, he is the one crying the entire time.  The second video he is sitting down in the front in a blue shirt, the sound goes out halfway through the video, not sure what I did to the camera.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ranch Day

The weather has been just perfect here lately, we have been going to the park everyday, and having picnics outside, playing in the garden and riding the gator in the yard.  We have been covered in sunscreen and bug spray, popsicles and dirt, hose water and ketchup and everything else that you could possibly imagine- and its fantastic!

Yesterday was just lovely, we headed up to mom and dads in the middle of the day and met Jeff, Lee and Lily up there.  We had a nice little lunch and just hung around outside- everyone enjoying my company....

After lunch and naps we wandered over to the neighbors house.  They have a fantastic little farm going with horses, chickens, turkeys, ducks, cats, dogs and even a donkey.  Their pond is filled with catfish that come to the surface when you feed the ducks, its great.  Hutson had a great time, he loves being outside and more importantly, he loves animals.

Jeff and Lily eating lunch... Lily likes to scoop ketchup straight into her mouth...

a little baby turkey... or duck or chicken, I can't quite remember.

heading down to the pond...

feeding the ducks... (that is a catfish peeking its head out of the water)

Jeff doing a little okie noodling... if you don't know what that is, click here.

I love this picture... notice that no one sees Lily running away by herself-haha

moms flowers...

taking the kids for a ride...(all four of them)

my parents are the lucky recipients of fresh eggs... (they were so delish!)

Cat in the flower pot...

Tomorrow we go to the ranch to start Wednesdays with Papa.  As summer is quickly approaching I need to start planning low-cost activities to keep Hutson occupied all summer.  With my mom traveling during the week again and Jerry is usually gone on Wednesdays, what a perfect day to spend with Papa.  I'm sure we will play outside, get dirty, do some work, have picnics, maybe take a field trip or two to the neighbors to play with the animals, hit up the North Texas Zoo, so many possibilities.  Hutson is already excited, all night he has been saying 'papa morrow?'

Maybe I will have a Wednesday edition of the blog called 'Adventures with Papa'... hmmm stay tuned.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Keeping busy...

Trying to keep Hutson entertained is a huge job.  He has endless energy and just wants to go go go.  I had to break out the ball pit yesterday and switch up the toys in the play room a bit to keep it fresh.

Always trying to copy his big brother...

We went to the park, of course we were unprepared for the water aspect of the park.  Is is really that time of year already?
Waiting for the water to fall...

 testing out all the slides...

Wheeler did a lot of riding around in the stroller and finally he got some swing time...

Happy Weekend!

Monday, April 19, 2010

cool iphone app

I am so loving the new app I just downloaded to my phone... its a camera app that can make your pictures look like the awesome old plastic cameras.  I have been dying to buy a Diana camera or something close to that for a while, and even had plans to steal Ashley's, but this app does it for me.  You can pick your lens, flash and film.  Love it!

Here are a few pictures I was playing around with today...

To find out more about the app click here.

Eight months ago today....

I was enjoying holding our brand new little man Wheeler.

I was scheduled to be induced on 8/19/09, my besties birthday, but turns out I didn't need the extra help to be induced, which is so me as I hate having to have help for anything.  I started having contractions on 8/18 in the evening while sitting on the couch watching tv.   I remember when I finally realized they weren't stopping I broke out the stopwatch on my phone and clocked them about 10 minutes apart... Jerry of course was already sleeping.  I tried to climb into bed and sleep for awhile knowing that I didn't need to think about going to the hospital until they were about 4-5 minutes apart... all I did was successfully toss and turn and keep Jerry awake, and of course once I told him that I was pretty sure I was in labor that didn't do anything to help his sleep either...hehe.  So I decided to hit the couch to give Jer some sleep time as I knew he would start to worry and get sick to his stomach a little once we got to the hospital.  So on to the couch to cruise some late night infomercials to keep my mind off of the pain.  My mom was already at our house so her and dad were going to watch Hutson while we went to the hospital at 530 am.  I am pretty sure it was around 1 am when I went upstairs to wake her and tell her that we would probably need to go early.  We called my dad and he drove over here and arrived sometime around 3 am, around my maybe third episode in a row of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on the food network.  I think we finally left around 4 am, with contractions about 4 minutes apart.  I did yell at Jer the whole time drive there to hurry up, he was very calm though and didn't say the word 'relax' one time (he learned that with Hutson's delivery).  

We got to the hospital and got checked in and changed... well I changed, Jerry just looked pale and tried to find some coffee.  I think my mom had to comfort him more than me through the whole process, both times.  

They gave me something to slow down the contractions and we got the epidural, thank god!  I was so much better off this time, with Hutson they had to give me some other pain medication because I wasn't dialated enough for the epidural, and it just made me shake that I couldn't sit still when it was time for the massive needle to be shoved into my back.  This time around it was a piece of cake!  My Dr. finally came to see me and said that she wasn't on call today but that she would come back on her lunch break from her office to check on me.  I told her that we would definitely be having this baby on her lunch break then and she better eat fast.  After that it all gets a bit hazy as the pain meds kicked in.  I remember Jerry leaving to go to Starbucks and get a snack, I remember seeing Lee, and I remember having the oxygen mask on for awhile.  I do remember when it hit about 11am and I was thinking 'oh god this needs to happen soon'.... about an hour later, a new little man joined our family.  I did deliver on my Dr.'s lunch break, as for the rest I will save you the details.  

I know 8 months isn't a huge milestone, he didn't start walking today, he didn't cut a new tooth today, there was nothing that stood out in my mind that I will remember this day by.  But he is 8 months old today and that means that it is going by way too fast.  That means he is closer to being a 1 year old than a newborn, and I kind of want him to stay this little for a little longer, he is still completely dependent on his mama, I am still his favorite person, and his little baby giggles are so cute sometimes they make me want to cry.  I feel the same way about Hutson right now, yes we are in the 'terrible twos', but we have so much fun and I'm not sure I want him to get any bigger either.

on the day he was born...

eight months old...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lee's Baby Shower

Tiffany and I hosted Lee's baby shower at the Tea Room this afternoon, and it was lovely.  Lee only wanted a small intimate gathering of close friends and family, so that is what we had.  Here are a few pictures but the rest will be posted on our smugmug site.

The place settings...

The tea..

The guest of honor...

For the rest of the photos, click here.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I don't usually take pictures of flowers or nature that often, mostly because I find pictures of human subjects so much more interesting and well entertaining.  However, Jerry's flowers have really started to bloom in the last week and the colors are fantastic so I couldn't resist a few shots...

all of the flower pictures are true in color... (in other words no photoshop)

It is officially popsicle season now that it is getting up to 80 degrees...  we can go through a whole box in a weekend...

if you look closely at this picture you can see Hutson biting Wheeler's diaper...

We are working on getting some new teeth, so we are a drool machine!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A little Tuesday evening love...

I know its been awhile since the last post... sorry.  So without further ado....

... a little Tuesday night love
