Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back Online

Ok people I am back.  I know it has been a long time since I posted.  We went to Portland for 12 days over Thanksgiving which was so much fun.  But mostly I haven't posted anything new because I didn't get a new card reader for my camera until today.  After the last post with no pictures I received some hate email that  said I shouldn't post unless I have pictures, I won't name names (ashley) but it wasn't nice.  So today with the new card reader and sorting through a months worth of photos we are back.

Hutson and Wheeler are doing great.  Wheeler is almost sitting up on his own and loves to just talk talk talk.  He smiles and giggles all the time, truly a happy baby.  Even when he was sick when we were in Oregon he just smiled the whole time.  Hutson's vocab has increased as well, he is starting to put words together like 'bye bye baby' and 'night night dada'.  He is constantly telling Wheeler bye bye,  I guess he wants him to go.  hmmmm.

Now we are just keeping busy getting ready for Christmas.

These two pictures were from Halloween.

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