Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to us!

Today we are 68.  Every year we age by 2 years instead of one.  This is what happens when you share you birthday with your spouse.  

Today was a big one for Jerry... he hit the big 4-0.  I am happy to report he didn't shrivel up and die at midnight last night, or lose his sight or hearing, that I know of, so I guess 40 isn't that big of a deal.  I guess its not as old as we think it is.  Now 41, that is a different cup of tea, that means that you are actually in your 40's... whew.  I'm not sure how we will handle next year.

We did nothing over the top or exciting today, it was business as usual, which was ok by us.  Yeah, yeah, I know we are boring.  Tomorrow we are going out to dinner sans the kids and we might imbibe in a cocktail or two to toast to the beginning of our 40th and 28th years.

Thank you for all the birthday wishes from everyone!

the birthday kids...
** its kind of a joke in my family that Jerry and I are the least photogenic out of everyone... this picture clearly is a demonstration of that joke.  I had no good pictures to post, so I had Jerry Sr. quick snap one tonight so that I would have a recent one to post... so excuse the messy/tired looks and Jerry's lack of smile. 


Shelly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you and Jerry had a wonderful birthday!

Sara said...

Happy belated! What a cute couple!