Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good Morning Saturday...

 Happy Saturday everyone!  I am in a good mood this morning.  Last couple of nights I hadn't been sleeping well because Wheeler was randomly crying in the middle of the night, and usually I can let them work it out, but he was screaming for hours... took him into the Doctor yesterday, and he has a double ear infection and an eye infection... poor little guy.  So yesterday he got some antibiotics and tylenol and slept all night, no interruptions, which means I slept all night no interruptions... YES!!  I might actually get some things accomplished today.
 This little boy is extremely excited for Santa to come this year, we talk about it everyday- how Santa brings presents to nice little boys.  Hutson says he doesn't want presents he wants a 'big excavator'... so we don't quite get it yet, but we are getting there.
We wrote our letters to Santa the other day.  I asked Hutson if he had been a good boy or a really good boy this year and he said "I have been JUST a good boy"... aaawww.

This is Hutson's letter...

Dear Santa-
I have been a just good boy this year and I would like...
Big Excavator, a REALLY big Tractor and some Play doh
Please Dinosaurs

Love Hutson

I then asked Hutson if we should write a letter for Wheeler... and I asked him what Wheeler should ask for from Santa.

Dear Santa-
Wheeler has been a good boy, H is for Hutson.
Wheelie needs books, froggy, BIG excavator and I need a Thomas.

Love Hutson

I asked Hutson if he thought Wheeler would like a Thomas the train, and he said "no mommy, Hutson needs a Thomas, not Wheeler".  I also said to him that Wheeler might be too little for a big Exacavator and he said "no mommy, Hutson NEEDS a BIG Exacavator".

I guess Santa will be stopping by the Tractor Supply store.

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