Monday, March 5, 2012

First Broken Bone

Three days before his fourth birthday... his first broken bone.  He has a bubble fracture in his wrist, we just barely missed the growth plate so we got lucky.  Little man has been a champ and is sporting a new blue cast for the next four weeks.

He was playing at the park and he flipped out over the edge of a slide.  It's funny because my heart has always beat a little faster when they play on the twisty slides that aren't tunnels... you know the ones that are just a little too shallow, the edges just aren't quite high enough for me.  Well he flipped over the side of one and broke his landing with his face and wrist.  I wasn't there- which was ok because I probably would have had a heart attack at the thought of watching my kid fall like that.  Thank goodness for wood chips.  His face has some bruising and a few scratches but nothing serious.  When he got home, we just thought his wrist was sprained and gave him some ice and tylenol and put him to bed early.  He seemed fine before school this morning and I sent him on his way with a note to his teacher to call me if things didn't seem normal with him, and explained the situation.  She called by 11am, saying he just wasn't himself and he refused to use the potty because he couldn't get his pants down because his wrist hurt... mom of the year award right here.  Jer and I immediately picked him up and took him to the Pediatrician who referred us to a Pediatric Orthopedic.  He had an xray and was promptly cast up in about 30 min.  He was a little wary of the cast, but we wanted to thank GrAndi for having a broken wrist a few months ago because he knew exactly what to do, and what it would look like.

Here is our brave little guy getting his cast 2 days before his fourth birthday...

Here is what Wheeler was doing while we were at the Dr.  Hanging out with Jacky and her girls eating ice cream...

These were taken last week when Wheeler refused to take a nap, but just wanted to snuggle with mommy in her bed.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Get better fast Hutson! Broken bones, wisdom teeth, lots of little ones over for a fourth birthday've got your work cut out for you T. I'll be thinking of you:)