Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wheeler is a clone...

 ...of his daddy.  You can't look at this picture and tell me that expression on his face isn't Jerry's.  I love it!  (Sorry the photo is a little blurry, but I couldn't not post this picture)
 my blue-eyed baby...

 Hutson likes to stand on the rocks and jump off and see how far away he can land.  Maybe I have a future long jumper on my hands...?
 The Wagon.  It has been getting a lot of play this week.  Our backyard is a bit of a hill and goes straight down in the back.  Hutson likes to load up Wheeler and run down the hill full speed over all the bumps.  Wheeler loves it.  Hutson loves it.  Mama, well I don't love it so much.  I have visions of them hitting a bump with one wheel and sending Wheeler flying into the nearest tree and Hutson tripping and the wagon rolling right over the top of him... but I'm not dramatic or anything.  The other reason I don't love it so much... I have to pull them up the hill every time.  They get to the bottom, Hut climbs in and starts yelling at me to pull them back up... they want to do it about 50 times in a row... did I mention its a hill?  Did I mention that combined they weigh 65 lbs, plus the 30 lb wagon?  ugh.  But they have fun and they haven't gotten hurt yet and I guess that is good.

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