Saturday, February 6, 2010

Finally playing together

In the last couple of weeks they have really started to interact with each other.  It is so fun for me to watch as Hutson tries to share his fruit snacks with Wheeler (he doesn't share his 'nacks with anyone!), he tries to give him his bottle and tells him 'no no baby', and he brings him all the old 'baby' toys.  Wheeler just follows Hutson with his eyes, you can tell he just wants to play with his big brother.  It is so cute to watch them attempt to play together.

Hutson has been into trying to hold the baby.  So we sit on the floor and play quite a bit now, so 'Wee Wee' can play too.  He wants to hold him on his tummy just like mommy does.  Although I did panic when he tried to play airplane with Wheeler- he was trying to lift him up with his feet in the air,  aahhhh!

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